Wednesday, May 23, 2012

what was I thinking?

All of my life I have felt quite capable.  I knew that with some preparation and hard work, I could accomplish most things that I set sights upon.  I don't know how that 'can do' attitude was curated and refined, yet I have rarely been at a loss of how to get something done. 

Until this dissertation... the greatest challenge of my life lays before me in a stack of 57 pages that is littered with revisions, notes, suggestions, demands, and "I would never write that again if I were you" comments.  I submitted chapter 1.  chapter 2.   chapter 3. to my chair last week.  Today I got back a new stack of revisions, notes, suggestions, demands, and "I would never write that again if I were you" comments.  

But I will finish this.   Even if I die trying - dramatic I know - but the feeling is genuine.  
A quote that I love from Eleanor Roosevelt expresses it best when she says that we must do the one thing that we think we are not capable of.  Or something like that.   It is also the new motto for Weight Watchers, so either I can lose some weight or write this paper.

Oh, I will finish and publish this paper if only to be called Dr. for a day!