Instead of working right now - I can't help but gaze at the pictures of Elizabeth as a younger child. The picture on the left is from when she was about 1 1/2 years old. She would eat in her high chair, finish but then want to just sit and relax there. Her head full of hair would rest on the back of the chair while her eyes followed us around the house or relaxed to the images on the television.
The sketch on the right is from when she was about 3 years old. The local elementary school had a great playground and we would walk over at least once a day. But Elizabeth didn't call it the playground or the school - she called it 'The Mall.' I never knew where she gathered that term from, but we all began to refer to this particular playground as The Mall.
The middle picture of her hand is from when she was in 2nd grade and was at work with me for the day. Mr. Craffey told her to put her hand in the copier, and this is the result. From a simple black copier - I have a beautiful rememberance of her little hand.