These things I know to be true..... (idea from Oprah)

Packing is easier 2 days before departure date, instead of the morning of.
Sour cream and onion potato chip dip is worth the stinky breath.
Sit ups and crunches are never fun.
My mother-in-law loves completely & unconditionally, all the time to all people.
Bed time is a child's enemy and a parent's pleasure.
Humidity will always make my hair crazy big and out of control.
Marriage proposal memories are always sweet, no matter where or when.
Julia Roberts smile always makes me smile.
Sisters are like roots, they provide you with a foundation and supports new growth.
Losing your Dad is never ok... whether you are 25 or 41.
Puerto Rico only looks good.... all of the time!
Gray hair will never be a welcomed guest on my head.
BLT's are better with mayo on both pieces of the toast.
Hubs is a nickname for a chubby hubby that is cute and has green eyes.
White sheets are all that matter.
The @ symbol is beautiful in its simplicity and structure.
Red fingernails are perfect for vacation.
My students have a love/hate relationship with me - of course.
An organized closet is symbolic of an organized mind.
Dehumidifiers need positive affirmations everytime I empty the water.
Surprise dinners with neighbors are god's gift to me.
Anyone that has a 5 year old that reads with them is blessed. Thank you Jakey!