Monday, November 8, 2010

Local Baseball

We LOVE local baseball... this being the Applachacian Power Team! Going out to the games is perhaps one of the most similar things I did as a kid. Dad would take us to as many Charleston Charlie games as we could get free tickets for. We bought no snowcones, no peanuts, no toys - we were there to watch the game. Though, we kids would make quite a game of where we would sit!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"are you serious?"

I could not be any happier to report....
live from Charleston, WV ....
Nate and I are engaged.
Yes, he did get down on one knee and propose in front of our children and his extended family.

I was in such shock that my only reply, 4 times, was "are you serious?"

I quickly kissed the courgeous man and said YES!